
Our Purpose

We help women leaders take control of their careers on their terms.

Hi, I’m Nancy Kirk-Gettridge and here is my story…

We work with aspiring women leaders frustrated with their careers. They feel stuck at their jobs and are not sure how to navigate through their workplace challenges.

I understand because I was that person. My career had stalled, and I listened to the noise about my limits as a black female, as a mother, as someone who did not know the game. I followed the advice of others (many who had good intentions) on what was best for me and put me in a box, which was not who I really was.

I worked at jobs that did not utilize my strengths and passed over for positions where I was more than qualified and given to someone else who did not even meet the minimum requirements of the job posting. Many times, I was afraid I would lose my job when I had to stay at home from work when my kids were ill.

The Moment that Changed My Life

I was anxious about turning down an opportunity to appear on a television show. Upset, I was trying to figure out why I was sabotaging myself. Later that evening, while cooking dinner, I had the television on in the background. A woman shared her story about feeling sorry for herself.

“You can be pitiful or powerful, but you can’t be both.”

That was my “insight.” I will never achieve my purpose if I sit on the sidelines instead of getting into the game. With the support of my inner circle, I pushed through my fears and began living my purpose. I want you to do the same.

About Phenomenal Image

I founded Phenomenal Image in 2005 after several clients from my secretarial service asked me to teach them how to make a favorable first impression during job interviews. I found I enjoyed styling and so my focus shifted from “making you look good on paper” to “making you look like the leader you are”.

I received my certification as a business image consultant and began helping people look the part. It was not until several years later that I realized my purpose was helping women see themselves as qualified leaders so they can succeed in their careers (For more detail, you can read my post on Why Women Leaders).

I provide the tools to help you get clear on your career path, know your value and not settle for less.

My Education and Experience

My technical background reflects almost 20 years of experience in the beauty industry working with women to build their confidence through enhancing their appearance. I have a bachelor’s and master’s degree in business, and I’ve taken post-graduate courses in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

I understand that my experience and training were not to benefit only me. My successes and failures, joys and pain; everything I’ve learned is used to help other women who want to make a difference as leaders in their community, workplace or business.

I like who I am and I am excited about my future. I want the same for you.

My Prayer for You

My prayer is that as our paths cross, you will peace in who you are, that you see yourself as God sees you, and that you become all that God has called you to be.

Be blessed!


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