I get it.
You’re frustrated.
You feel your career is at the mercy of others. You suppress parts of your personality to appeal to others at work.
Or, dare I say it – to keep your job.
All while it feels like you’re losing your sanity.
You’re exhausted.
I was just like you.
The World Needs You Now!
Your presence is much more than what others say or think about you. You are intentionally uniquely and wonderfully created for a purpose. And your abilities, experiences, and skills are designed to help you fulfill that purpose.
It’s your time to shine.

Enter Phenomenal Image's Career Strategy Coaching.

- Since 2006, Phenomenal Image has been helping clients achieve their goals.
- Certified Business Image Consultant
- Certified Women Empowerment Coach
- Post Grad courses in Industrial Organizational Psychology
Hi, I’m Nancy Gettridge, founder of Phenomenal Image.
Whether you’re a business owner, returning to the workforce or want to move up the corporate ladder, I can help you align your career with your purpose and help you achieve your full leadership potential.
I am uniquely qualified because:
- I know how it is to feel as if you’re at a standstill in your career.
- I know what it’s like to work at a job that doesn’t fully use your skills.
- I can help you create a career strategy that accurately reflect your values, goals, and personality.
- I know how to navigate through office politics within a company’s culture without sacrificing values and authenticity.
- I’ve coached others to achieve their career goals and I’ve assisted others in finding their style.
- I understand the obstacles women face in the workplace and coach you on how to overcome those barriers.
I can help you successfully navigate your career by creating a strategy that allows you to feel free to be you while doing what you do best.
Our Guiding Principle
My priority is to ensure our clients have the tools necessary to recognize their purpose, discover their unique gifts, and to operate in their zone of genius through their career.
A Client's Experience...
How I Can Help

Annual Career Check-up
Not sure where to start? An annual career audit to get clear on where you are now, whether you should make changes, and your next steps.

Coaching solutions to help you achieve your career goals, whether you excel in a more personal environment, or flourish in a group setting, there is something for you.

Engage in focused discussion and hands-on activity on specific career or life topics. These usually last from several hours to a couple of days.

Designed to supplement our coaching programs, these actionable virtual lessons extend coaching sessions by providing strategic insights on specific areas.
Wondering whether we would be a good fit?
Is This You?
Clients with these characteristics tend to have the most success in our programs:
- She understands that her career journey is a marathon. She takes the time, effort and much soul searching to learn and achieve what she really wants in her career.
- She may need to stay in her current career while looking for new opportunities, and so she takes responsibility for her happiness in her current work.
- She finds meaning in life and not work. She does not need her job to give her meaning; she gives meaning to her job.
- She is open-minded about solutions/outcomes. Relying on her intuition, she adopts a growth- mindset and follows through with it.