Build Your Confidence – Go For The Gold!

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It’s Time to Go For Your Gold Medal

In the last post, I offered 5 things to do now to build confidence (See post). Here are additional actions to keep the momentum:

Keep A Journal

Maintaining a journal is a confidence booster as it allows you to chart your progress and offers encouragement.

Celebrate Small Successes.

The destination to a long journey begins with a single step.   Take time to celebrate the milestones as you gain confidence.

Be Consistent and Committed.

The success is in what you are willing to do constantly. You’re worth it to continue to show up and give your all.   You owe it to yourself to push through.  This will mean moving out of your comfort zone, and making time just for you.   Being consistent with  building your confidence will help you achieve it.

Don’t Be Afraid to Fail.

If one thing doesn’t work, then you will be that much closer to what does.  It’s just a part of the process.   Get up, dust yourself off and keep it moving.

Gather Your Team – Seek support from others.

Another common thread of Olympic athletics is that they surround themselves with people who support their dream; encouraging them to press on when it’s tough, holding them accountable and cheering them on to victory.  They are in their corner during the good, the bad and the ugly.  Find your support system.  It should be someone who will encourage you and hold you accountable.  Your team can consist of family, friends, mentors and coaches.  More importantly, they should add value to your life and not decrease value.  (A clue is that after being around them, you feel energetic, not exhausted).

You can become more confident in who you are and in your abilities, but it requires action.   So get started – – do something!


What are some things you avoided because you lacked confidence? 

Do one thing this week to move out of your comfort zone.

It can be anything as long as it is something that has been outside your comfort zone
(i.e. approach someone and say hi, enroll in the course you been wanting to take).


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