Who Do You Think You Are?

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Freedom Principle #1:
Know Your Worth – 
Show up to Work As Yourself Every Day

In a society where it appears at times that opinions are rampant and truth is an afterthought, knowing who you are is critical.

Stereotypes, biases, and other prejudices can make you feel unqualified and fearful of taking advantage of opportunities. When you lack confidence in yourself and your abilities, you will allow others to make life-changing decisions for you.

How will others know what you have to offer if you don’t know what you have to offer? They will only be able to form opinions about you based on the limited information they have, such as your appearance and any subconscious biases they may have. Do you really want others to decide your future?

Set Yourself Free!

Become your best friend.

Become acquainted with yourself. Ask:

What is your core (deepest) values?

What matters to you?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Free Yourself from a lack of confidence – Know your worth

“Self-esteem begins and ends with you. The more you know about yourself the less you’ll be by the opinion of others.” – B. Dilley

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