Image Blunders

Identifying Image Blunders and How to Correct Them

Your image is the story you tell about yourself.

It’s made up of many chapters, including your personality, behavior, body language, communication style, and appearance. But sometimes, blunders in these areas can cause your story to get lost in translation, sending messages that don’t show you in the best light.

For instance, poor posture may give the impression that you lack confidence or have low self-esteem, while avoiding eye contact may suggest that you’re hiding something. Fortunately, there are ways to address these issues. Regular exercise can improve your posture, and you can practice maintaining eye contact by engaging with friends or while watching television.

Your public image is shaped by three key areas:

  1. Communication
  2. Appearance
  3. Attitude

To dive into each one, simply click on the pictures below.

In each section, I’ll start by sharing some common mistakes that many of my clients have faced. Then, we’ll explore how to turn those blunders around. Ready to get started? Click on the first picture (Communication) and let’s go!



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