Charisma is common among exceptional leaders; here’s 1 outstanding way to convey it.

Home | Executive Presence | Charisma is common among exceptional leaders; here’s 1 outstanding way to convey it.

Charisma is the most inspiring aspect of confidence and is shared by exceptional leaders.

If you’ve ever met someone with natural charisma, you’ll understand what I mean. They speak in such a way that everyone wants to listen. They are captivating in ways that many of us only wish we could be!

If you can’t think of anyone in your life, watch an interview with Michelle Obama, Indra Nooyi, Anne Marie Slaughter, Oprah Winfrey, Meryl Streep, or Helen Mirren.

It’s immediately apparent that these women are extremely captivating. How can we replicate that? How can we capture lightning in a bottle and use it to our advantage?

The Secret to Charisma

What do you think is a relatively simple and proven formula to charisma that you can emulate?

Think about it… Ready for it.


That’s right, gesticulations are a proven way you can display charisma.*

Hear me out.

Most highly charismatic people have been found to gesticulate more than the average person while speaking. They use their hands to convey much of what they’re saying, and they also tend to move around more while speaking.

They appear charismatic because gesticulating creates a connection where their body language reflects what they’re saying and creates a single, congruent message. Compare this to someone who speaks enthusiastically while crossing their arms and appearing stressed!

Move around and gesticulate as you speak to convey the same charm.

Keep in mind that you cannot fake this. If you do, you will most likely become self-conscious of your hands and gestures, creating a new situation that is worse than where we started!

Allow it to happen naturally. Be highly engaged in what you’re saying. Be enthusiastic about what you’re discussing.

When you are truly passionate, you can’t help but gesticulate because you’re excited about what you’re saying. What you’re saying seems so important that you’ll be completely focused on it, and all doubt will fade away.

This is why it’s critical to find something you’re truly passionate about. Confidence and charisma come naturally when you are truly passionate and excited.

So, what are you passionate about?

*Sandra Pauser, Udo Wagner & Claus Ebster (2018) An investigation of salespeople’s nonverbal behaviors and their effect on charismatic appearance and favorable consumer responses, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 38:3, 344-369, DOI: 10.1080/08853134.2018.1480383

*Raed Awamleh, & William L. Gardner, (1999) Perceptions of leader charisma and effectiveness: The effects of vision content, delivery, and organizational performance, The Leadership Quarterly, 10:3, 345-373, DOI: 10.1016/S1048-9843(99)00022-3.

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