Career Strategy Coaching for Aspiring Women Leaders

  • Get Clear on Your Career Path
  • Know Your Value
  • Refuse to Settle for Less

Imagine working in your dream career, where you flourish personally and professionally.

But here’s what’s standing in your way:

Bias, limited opportunities for advancement, work-life imbalance, toxic work culture, lack of effective role models, mentors, and sponsors, and your own fears and limiting beliefs. 

It’s costing you…

Your overall well-being Your mental health, financial security, earning potential, work relationships, and peace of mind. You feel trapped.

There's a better way.

I help you identify the obstacles blocking your career success and overcome them in these areas:

Products and services that can improve your professional life:

Annual Career Review

“First, assess your current career state.”
To reach your career utopia, you must understand where you are now. A career check-up allows you to assess your professional well-being and uncover current hidden issues that may hinder your success. With this insight, you can take action to improve your present situation.

Career Strategy Coaching

Together, you and I create a strategy to elevate your career.
Your career is a journey. Achieving your dream career requires intentionality. While your strategy won’t be set in stone (it will evolve as life changes), you’ll have an adjustable game plan as you navigate your career.

Free/Premium Resources

Access free and paid resources to implement your plan and enhance you, your life, and your career.
Explore resources such as podcasts, articles, videos, webinars, and workshops on life and career strategy. Workbooks, journals, and take-action coaching sessions are used for hands-on discussions and training.

Successfully navigate your career path in the modern workplace.

About Me

Hi, I'm Nancy!

Imagine a world where you feel unstoppable in your career.

I’m on a mission to empower women to overcome the unique challenges they face in the workplace.

If you are someone who doesn’t fit the status quo, and you’re tired of constantly trying to prove yourself at work, Phenomenal Image is for you.

As your career strategist, I’ll help you discover your path, recognize your value, and seize opportunities. I help you achieve your dream career while staying true to yourself.

Break out of the confines of your job and pursue a career that aligns with you and your purpose. 

Nancy Gettridge, Founder of Phenomenal Image

God intentionally created you for his purpose, and it's a good plan. Use your career to help you accomplish what God has called you to do.

Your First Step

Assess Your Career Status

Knowing where you stand professionally is essential for planning your next career moves.

A State of Your Career Review allows you to:

  1. Assess your career satisfaction.
  2. Identify potential obstacles and challenges.
  3. Set meaningful goals that align with your current situation. 

An annual career review isn’t just practical—it’s self-care.

Prioritize your well-being by taking the time to reflect on where you are now and where you want to go.

If you're looking for no-nonsense, actionable career strategy coaching, look no further than Phenomenal Image.

Learn More About Our Career Strategy Process

Grab your copy of my Career Strategy Blueprint. A quick read, I review the critical career areas that can help you enjoy meaningful and lasting career success. 

    Check out the courses you can access in our coaching programs:


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