Do You Really Need A Career Coach?


You’re great at finding the best deal and winging it. Your motto may be, “If I don’t know something, I can figure it out.” You’re a pro at searching to learn something new. You’re the epitome of resourcefulness.

We’ve learned to do it all—multitask like champs.

But doing everything on our own is exhausting!

Like everything else, you take on figuring out how to improve your career.

So, you…

Create and design your own resume and cover letter.

Refer to the web for interview questions and practice.

Wear your favorite outfit for your interview.

Wing the case study interview, and

Quickly send a follow-up email.

And then…


You haven’t heard A. Single. Word.

Should you call? Email?

Or maybe this is you:

You tell your family and friends about the trouble you’re having at work. You feel you keep getting passed over for promotions, and you think your boss has it out for you. Well-meaning and loyal, they tell you that your boss is a jerk, and the company doesn’t deserve you. After a good “bash” party with your boss as the guest of honor, you feel better.

Until you have to go back to work on Monday…

Have you considered hiring a career coach?

Why you should hire a career coach:

You get to focus on your dreams, goals, and needs.

As a nurturer, you are usually busy helping everyone else, and your needs are at the bottom of the list. Your career coach focuses entirely on what you need.

At Phenomenal Image, we learn all about you. We discuss your purpose (and help you figure it out if you’re not sure) and what you want—where you see yourself in your career. During your session, your needs and wants take center stage and are the only things on our agenda. You’ll be more productive because you are finally focusing on your goals, which puts you in a better position to help others.

Build your confidence and see your value.

It’s difficult to see all you have to offer in your career. A career coach can provide an unbiased view of your unique experiences, knowledge, skills, and abilities relative to how you can benefit your organization.

I help you realize your power and discover the significance of what you offer the world. By building your professional presence, you’ll be able to discern whether you are underutilized and/or underpaid and change your career to align with your goals.

Stay Accountable.

Your career coach can confirm you’re doing what’s required to get you wherever you would like to be in your career. We will encourage you, talk with you, and track your progress. We will also challenge you when you are creating excuses for getting off-track.

Gain clarity on your career path.

Your career coach can help you create a strategy to get you into your dream career. We can help you navigate the ebbs and flows of your career path, navigate tough career decisions, and stay focused on what’s next in your career. Your career coach helps you achieve your professional goals faster.

Gain a new perspective on overcoming challenges at work.

Your career coach can help you gain new insights about challenges at work. You’ll gain a greater sense of self-awareness and use your personal strengths. Unlike biased friends and family, a career coach is unbiased and can help you navigate through difficult career decisions.

When you shouldn’t hire a career coach

No Career Coach - Woman has her hands blocking her face as she turns away
Credit: Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

What a coach cannot do

As wonderful as a coach can be for your career, she cannot wave a magic wand and make your career dreams come true overnight.

Do not hire a career coach if you:

Believe that you just need someone to polish your resume and go with it.

Yes, a resume is one of many tools that can land you an interview, but the resume cannot get you the job. A career coach can help you through the career process, including the interview stage, follow-up, salary negotiation, and helping you create a strategy for your career path after you snag the job.

If you’re not willing to be honest with yourself,

There may be reasons you keep getting passed over for a promotion or why you’re not getting any callbacks for jobs you’re applying for. But you may need to explore if there are some mindsets that are holding you back. Maybe it could be something as simple as your resume. But complaining and not taking time to see how you can increase your hiring opportunities would be a waste of time for you and your career coach.

If you focus more on cost over value,

Hiring a good career coach can help you view things in another light and provide invaluable insights that can help you achieve your goals faster. If you have trouble seeing the worth of what a coach can offer, then it would be a waste of money to hire a coach.

You are not willing to do the work

A coach acts as a facilitator to help you set your career goals and stay on track to achieve them. She is not a fairy, fortune teller, or magician. She cannot make career dreams appear overnight. Your career coach can help you, not do the work for you.

Commit to investing in yourself and doing the work. When committed, a career coach can help you build a firm foundation that can be the fortress you need to navigate the maze of your career path.

It’s true that you could probably figure out what you need to do to get unstuck in your career. But why not use that time to focus on doing what you need to do?

Why not use your time to focus on doing what you need to do instead of trying to figure out what to do?

We have plenty of resources you are welcome to use that can aid in your career journey.

An excellent career coach will have invested a lot of time and money to learn their craft. He or she has the tools, knowledge, and skills to help you excel in your career faster than if you go at it alone.

Can you (financially, mentally, and emotionally) afford to not get help with achieving your career goals?

We have a brochure that summarizes what you can expect from a coach.

It’s yours, if you like.

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