Live Out Loud in Your Purpose Through Your Career
Hoping the hiring manager chooses your resume among hundreds and hires you is not a plan. Advanced degrees alone will not get you to senior leadership. Updating your resume and getting an education is a pleasant start, but it’s only part of the equation to achieve your dream career. You need a strategy. Close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be with a career coach.
Do you feel like your career is at the mercy of others?
Do you suppress aspects of your personality to appeal to others at work?
Does it seem like your career has stalled and advancement elude you?
Have you regretted not applying for a position or promotion?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then we have much in common.
I was also that person. I kept myself on the sidelines and I reacted to situations at work instead of being proactive.
Your landing on this page tells me you know there has to be more than where you are now in your career.
You want more and you will leave your comfort zone to achieve your purpose and your dreams, but you’re not willing to sacrifice who you are, your values, or your family to get there.
I have good news for you because there is no better time than now to pursue your career goals.
Headlines about leaders dominate the news-exposed for their unethical actions and who are more interested in their personal comfort than the well-being of those who’ve placed their trust in them.
The World Needs You Now!

Your presence is much more than what others may stereotype you. You are uniquely and wonderfully made on purpose for a specific purpose. Your skills and abilities are a blessing to others.
The way you navigate in this world is where you will find your influence.
Whether you are a business owner or you want to move up the corporate ladder, I believe I am uniquely qualified to help you create a strategy to advance in your career on your terms. Here’s why:
I know how it is to feel as if you’re at a standstill in your career because you’ve lost your passion for your work.
I know what it’s like to work at a job that does not fully use your skills.
I understand your regret for not negotiating a better salary. I can teach you how to ask for what you want.
I can help you discover your life’s purpose and align your career to help you achieve your purpose.
I can help you create a career strategy that accurately reflects your values, goals and personality instead of letting the chips fall where they may.
I can help you learn how to navigate through office politics within a company’s culture without sacrificing your values and authenticity.
I’ve helped others achieve their career goals and I’ve assisted others in finding their style.
I’ve extensively researched the barriers against women in the workplace and how to overcome them.
I can help you take control of your career by creating a strategy that will allow you to be confident in you and your future as a leader.
If this sounds good to you, then you’re in the right place.
We created this website with you in mind – we provide the tools, resources, articles and tips to help you see yourself as a qualified leader and risk-taker.
We’re here to encourage, inspire, motivate, and help you create a clear career path so you can be confident in you and your future.
We offer free resources that can help you get started by taking control of your career. And when you’re ready for the next steps, we’re here to help even further.
We offer group coaching programs to help you excel in your career.
And if you prefer a more personal approach, there’re options for you.
Not sure where to start?
Here are some suggestions on where to get started:
1.) View our blog, which focuses on helping you create a strategy to achieve your career goals; including developing leadership skills and building your executive presence.
2.) We also send our email subscribers career strategy tips and other goodies to help them live out loud in their purpose, overcome workplace challenges, make strategic boss moves to navigate their career journeys. Want these tips too? Enter your best email address.
3.) Let’s have a conversation. There are many ways to reach me. Visit me on LinkedIn, Facebook or connect on Twitter to comment on the topics of the week.
4.) When you are ready to explore how to take control of your career, schedule our Be Proactive Strategy Session. In this focus session, we will identify the specific barrier that’s keeping you on the sidelines. These 20 minutes can make a positive difference in how you see your career future.