Seek the Help of Mentors and Sponsors

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Mentors and sponsors are essential because they help guide you through the maze of tricks of the trade and prepare you for success in your career or business. Sponsors are necessary because they advocate on your behalf behind closed doors and help you advance in your career.

A good mentor will share their experiences to prevent you from making some of the mistakes they made. They can also keep you accountable and focused on your goals. A good mentor will also connect you to others who can assist you in your journey, provide insight that you may otherwise miss and relieving you of the stress associated with going into something blindly. A sponsor will go to bat for you. S/He will vouch for you for promotions, new opportunities, etc.

Be proactive in creating a team that will position you to have the inside track, help you grow professionally and achieve your goals faster.

Take Action

Make a list of possible mentors and sponsors. Stretch and go beyond your immediate circle. Think of those who are 2-3 levels above your position. Look outside of your department. Potential candidates may be outside your organization but within your industry or they may be someone you worked with before.  

Next week, we’ll continue the discussion about the list and what to do next.  Have a great week!

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