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Work Life Balance Quiz

Work Life Balance Assessment

Where Could You Use Some Help in Managing Work-Life Balance?

1. How often do you find yourself thinking about work during your personal time?

2. How do you handle unexpected tasks that disrupt your planned schedule?

3. When you need to say “no” to a work request, how do you usually respond?

4. How would you describe your current stress levels?

5. How do you approach your daily routine?

6. How do you feel about the amount of time you dedicate to self-care?

7. When you feel overwhelmed, what is your first reaction?

Resource Key

  • Work-Life Integration: You may need to work on integrating your professional and personal lives more smoothly.
  • Setting and Maintaining Boundaries: Establishing and maintaining boundaries might be a challenge for you, and focusing on this area could lead to better balance.
  • Competing Priorities: Juggling multiple priorities seems to be a key concern, and improving how you handle them can help in managing your time and stress better.
  • Self-Care: You are either prioritizing self-care well or need to shift your focus towards maintaining your well-being. This category is crucial for sustaining a healthy balance.
  • Stress Management: Managing stress is essential, and you may need strategies to cope with and reduce your stress levels.
  • Time Management: Effective time management is key to maintaining balance, and working on this skill could be beneficial for you.

*This quiz is only a starting point. Explore our other articles under "Competing Demands" to seek guidance and resources to help you on your career journey.

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