Get Clear On What’s Next In Your Career

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Get Clear On What’s Next In Your Career

Owning your career path is having a clear sense of direction for what you want in your career. Owning your career does not mean that your path will be linear, as in stepping stones to the top. In fact, for women, chances are your career path may look more like a maze as life happens (child-birth and other life events such as caring for senior parents, to name a few).

It’s easy to put your career on the back burner when you have some other irons in the fire. And you have no regrets in doing so, because the relationships you have secured over time is more important than your work life. But later, after the kids are older, you may feel a part of yourself that wants to satisfy the career side of you. But now you may feel it’s too late to climb the career ladder or you may not know how to get back into the world of work.

Or perhaps you are someone who never took the risks of doing what you wanted because others told you it’s not realistic or it will never work. So, you went the safe route and now you’re miserable and you’re ready to take the risks.

Whether you are a recent graduate, returning to the work-force or ready for your second (or third) career, being clear on your path can help you get to your dream career sooner.

Your career is the means to achieve your purpose. By setting goals, you have a road map to achieve your career dreams. Armed with your purpose, you can create a plan that will help you achieve your career goals faster.

That’s where I come in. I will help you set your career goals and create a strategy. By the end of this phase, you will be clear on what you want in your career and have a roadmap to get there.

Here’s a free resource guide that offers some suggestions for setting the course of your career and sticking to it so you so wind up where you want to go.  

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