Clues to Help You Discover Your Purpose

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Seeking your purpose can be confusing.

For instance, you may believe you should be a doctor. A doctor describes what you do, but it does not define your purpose. Your life purpose may help people; and your job as a doctor serves to accomplish your purpose of helping others.

Drill down on your purpose by being more specific to helping people. Maybe you haven’t gotten that far. Here is food for thought on finding your purpose:

Purpose answers the question, “Why Am I Here”?

You are alive at this moment of time for a specific reason. You are not an accident and your existence matters — You matter.

You may not understand your why, but your journey offers clues to your purpose. Your journey is your life story — your faith, childhood, experiences, abilities, skills, influences, interests, and personality are glimpses leading to your purpose. What matters to you leads to your purpose.

Here are other clues to your purpose:

Your Purpose is Bigger Than You
Humans need others. Your purpose will benefit others. You are created to be a blessing. The key is to figure out what really matters to you and live in that truth.

Your Purpose May Not Be Grandiose
You may not reach the earth’s entire population of people, but that does not make your purpose any less important. Your purpose is significant to the right people. It doesn’t matter whether everyone needs to accept or be aware of your motivations. You are exactly what the right people who cross your path need.

Finding Your Purpose May Require Change
Despite knowing change is inevitable, people have difficulty accepting change. If managing change is a challenge for you, reverse your aversion to it.

Think of it this way. Is it possible that you still seek your purpose because you are avoiding change? It’s common. But the good news is that when people accept change, they usually adapt with relative ease. For instance, change is essential in the circle of life. You will go through stages of life. And in the end, if you choose to take advantage, there are memories to cherish and lessons to help you grow.

Change may lead you to your purpose. For example, if the same routine doesn’t seem right to you, the discomfort may be the sign you need to boost your desire to find something that is right for you.

Intentionally expose yourself to change by being open to diverse beliefs and ideas. Become open about new discoveries.

Obstacles May Help You Define Your Purpose

A clue to your purpose may be in the obstacles you’ve faced.
The choices you’ve made on handling your obstacles can help define your purpose. For example, it wasn’t until I overcame a series of challenging work experiences did I realize my purpose and the way I would carry out my purpose.

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Consider the process. The determination to overcome a barrier may help define your purpose, but the steps leading to the solution can be revealing. You may better understand yourself through the experience. In fact, the obstacle may not be the defining moment as much as the steps you took to overcome the challenge.

Will Your Purpose Turn Mundane?

Photo by nine koepfer on Unsplash

I must admit, I don’t always feel like working. Although I love what I do, sometimes I felt tired. Especially during the early years. In the beginning, when I was still trying to figure out my space, I wondered whether I was in the right place.

And that’s ok.

It’s important not to mistake your purpose with your career. Your career is what you do and is much greater than your career. Your career can be a vehicle to satisfy your purpose. You can change careers anytime; but deep within you lies your purpose.

If you decide to tie your purpose to your career, after a time, it may feel mundane. So, how do you keep it fresh?

Continually learn. Take advantage of company trainings. Be open-minded and step outside your comfort zone when applying your craft. You may have to be creative. This may mean learning during your own time or taking on side work to use new skills. It doesn’t have to be formal. You may read news from your industry’s association or viewing a documentation.

Teach others what you know. Giving people the ability to continue in the field and watching them excel may help you gain a new sense of purpose. You may also learn from what your students produce.

Consider moving on. If you find your job no longer serves its purpose, it may be time to move on. Perhaps your job served the purpose of paying your bills, but has outgrown its purpose as you’ve gained more skills and experience to find a new job that challenges you.

Your current situation may be a road-block from finding your purpose. It may not be your job, but old mindsets are keeping you in stagnation. Is there stinking thinking going on?

Trying something different could lead you on a path toward your real purpose. You won’t know if you continue on your previous path.

What Questions Do People Ask You?

Do you find people to ask you questions about certain topics?

Pay attention to the questions people ask you. They could hold signs relative to your motivation. It doesn’t have to be based on your work, although it could. When people discover what you know well, you will get many inquiries.

Write these questions. As you attempt to determine your purpose, you can use these as a guide to assist you with finding answers. You’re not simply doing it for those asking the questions, although they will see the value in any insight you provide. You are also doing it to your advantage. See what others online have to say about the questions you get.

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Do you continually speak with people in other departments? That may be a sign that you should be somewhere else; or that your job may be a vehicle to your purpose. For example, you may consistently get questions about sales when you’re in customer service? A sign you’re good at sales? Why else would they be asking you?

Focus on the questions you ask other people. Your questions can provide insight into what you want. These questions don’t have to be work-related. It can happen at community social events or even when talking to your neighbors. Focus on the topics you frequently ask.

Start journaling. To gain the greatest insight into your purpose, consider journaling. When you write the questions people ask and those you ask, you can look for patterns that may lead to your ambitions.

Is your purpose to help someone achieve their purpose?

Your purpose may be to help others achieve their purpose. Someone may come into your life with a big vision and you feel lead to help that person achieve their vision.

Should You Spend Your Life Finding Your Purpose?

Unfortunately, the idea of purpose has been grossly commercialized; providing a false impression of what purpose is. When you spend all of your life, seeking your purpose based on marketing taglines to make your life meaningful, you’ve missed the point. Your life is meaningful because you exist. And as sure as you’re breathing, you have purpose.

Be present in your journey — your experiences, your interactions with others. Learn to listen to the still, small voice inside you. Become acquainted with who you are — your core values, your boundaries, your interests. Be open to learning from others. When you are at peace with whom you are and take part in your living with no expectations, your purpose will come to you.

When you are at peace with whom you are and take part in your living with no expectations, your purpose will come to you.

The Bottom Line

Finding your purpose does not have to be complicated. Do the work to learn about you. Become mindful of your experiences and open to the lessons you learn as you live your life on your terms. Being truthful with yourself and getting to know what really matters to you are the first steps to getting to your purpose.

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