The Power of Purpose: Align Your Purpose to Transform Your Life

Home | Career Advice and Tips | The Power of Purpose: Align Your Purpose to Transform Your Life

Taking control of your career involves aligning your gifts (abilities and skills) and your unique qualities (personality) to your purpose – what gives your life meaning. It does not mean that you won’t feel fear or that everything will be rosy. However, it does mean that even in the midst of fear or adversity, you know that you will be fine. Being proactive in your career requires a shift in your mindset that you are good enough, smart enough and qualified to become everything that you were designed to be.

Discover the thing that feels like “home” for you.

Do your due diligence. Take inventory of your abilities, skills and what makes you unique. Find your purpose. What do you love to do? Talk about? What would you rather hear about more than anything else in the world? What would you do with your life if money was not a factor? What are you best at? Everyone is a solution to someone’s problem. What type of problem do you enjoy solving? These are clues to your purpose.

Create a vision for your life.

Imagine what your ideal life would look like if you were living in alignment with your purpose. What kind of work would you be doing? What kind of relationships would you have? What kind of impact would you be making? Write down your vision and use it as a guide for setting goals and making decisions.

Take action.

Once you have a sense of what’s most important to you and what you want your life to look like, start taking action to move in that direction. This might mean making changes in your career or personal life, or it might mean taking small steps each day to live more intentionally.

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A wise man said that “your gift will make room for you”. Align your gifts to your purpose and you will be a force to be reckon (smile).

Be Flexible.

Your purpose and vision for your life may evolve over time. Be open to new opportunities and experiences and be willing to adapt as needed.

Aligning with your mission is a continuous process that demands work and introspection. When you live in alignment with your purpose, joy and fulfillment are your rewards. Take time to think about what’s important to you and live a life consistent with your purpose.

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