Are You Sabotaging Your Career?

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How to Get Out Of Your Own Way

Ever felt like no matter how hard you try, you keep getting in your own way? Maybe it’s a promotion you’ve been working toward or a business you’ve dreamed of launching, yet something inside keeps holding you back. This feeling isn’t just frustrating; it’s self-sabotage. And unfortunately, it’s all too common for women in their careers.

Self-sabotage can be subtle, often disguising itself as “being practical” or “playing it safe.” But if you’re constantly second-guessing yourself, procrastinating, or settling for less than you deserve, it’s time to ask: Are you sabotaging your own career?

The Pain of Self-Sabotage: When You’re Your Own Roadblock

For many women, self-sabotage shows up when we doubt our abilities, question our worth, or fear failure. You might hold yourself back from speaking up in meetings, avoid applying for that leadership role, or shrink back when it’s time to negotiate. Instead of stepping into your potential, you stay in your comfort zone, thinking, “Maybe I’m not ready,” or “I don’t want to come off as too assertive.”

Self-sabotage can feel like a safety net, but it’s actually a trap. It keeps you playing small and holds you back from the incredible career God has designed for you. And as women, we often internalize societal messages that tell us to shrink or conform. But here’s the truth: You don’t have to stay stuck in that cycle.

Signs That Self-Sabotage is Creeping In

Not sure if self-sabotage is at play in your career? Here are some signs that might look familiar:

  • Procrastination: Putting off important tasks or opportunities because they feel overwhelming.
  • Overthinking: Spending too much time analyzing every detail, which paralyzes action.
  • Downplaying accomplishments: Brushing off praise or minimizing your achievements with “Oh, it was nothing.”
  • Perfectionism: Refusing to start projects unless everything is perfectly aligned, leading to endless delays.
  • Fear of failure (or success): Avoiding risks because you’re afraid of messing up—or, on the flip side, unsure if you can handle success.

If any of these sound familiar, don’t worry. You’re not alone, and you’re not stuck. Self-sabotage may be powerful, but it’s not permanent.

The Cons of Self-Sabotage: What You’re Losing

Let’s be real about what self-sabotage is costing you in your career.

  • Missed opportunities: When you avoid putting yourself out there, you miss chances to grow, lead, or even earn more.
  • Stagnation: Instead of progressing, you stay stuck in the same place, watching others pass you by.
  • Diminished confidence: Over time, self-sabotage chips away at your belief in yourself, making it harder to take bold steps.
  • Unfulfilled potential: You know deep down you’re capable of more, but self-sabotage keeps you playing small.
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God didn’t create you to live in fear or insecurity. He wants you to thrive in your career and use your unique gifts to make a difference. The great news is, there’s a way out.

The Benefits of Getting Out of Your Own Way

When you start recognizing and overcoming self-sabotage, things shift. Here’s what happens when you step out of your own way:

  • Clarity and confidence: You start making decisions with purpose, knowing that God’s got you.
  • Increased productivity: Without the weight of overthinking, you get things done faster and with less stress.
  • Stronger self-esteem: As you take risks and succeed, you’ll feel more confident in your abilities.
  • Career growth: You’ll start saying “yes” to the opportunities that align with your God-given purpose, and you’ll see your career flourish.

The key? Shifting your focus from fear and doubt to the power that Christ has given you.

Strategies to Overcome Self-Sabotage

So how do you stop self-sabotage in its tracks? It’s about more than just positive thinking—it’s about aligning your career with your faith and trust in God’s plan.

Here are a few strategies to help you break free:

Pray for Guidance and Clarity. Start each day with prayer, asking God to reveal areas where you’re holding yourself back. Pray for the courage to move forward and trust in His plan for your life and career. When you focus on Christ, self-doubt has no choice but to bow out.

Recognize Your Patterns. The first step to overcoming self-sabotage is awareness. Take a moment to reflect on situations where you’ve held yourself back. Is it when you’re given a new responsibility? When you’re asked to lead? Once you recognize your patterns, you can begin to shift them.

TIP:  Should You Get Help To Achieve Your Goals? Find Out Now.

Shift Your Mindset. Self-sabotage is often rooted in fear. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection. But here’s the truth: God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Instead of thinking, “I’m not ready,” shift your mindset to “I am equipped, and God is with me.”

Celebrate Your Wins. One of the best ways to silence self-sabotage is by acknowledging your achievements. Whether big or small, take time to celebrate what you’ve accomplished. Keep a journal of wins and revisit it whenever doubt starts to creep in.

Set Boundaries with Your Inner Critic. Your inner critic will try to convince you that you’re not capable, but you don’t have to listen. When those negative thoughts arise, challenge them with truth. Remind yourself, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), and God has a unique plan for your life.

Take Bold Action. The best way to overcome self-sabotage is to take action. Apply for that promotion, speak up in that meeting, or take the lead on that project. Bold action reinforces your belief in yourself and shows your inner critic that you’re in charge.

Lean on Your Faith. As women, we sometimes feel the need to control every aspect of our lives and careers. But when we shift our focus to Christ, we realize that He is in control. Trusting God to guide your career allows you to let go of fear and self-sabotage. His plans are greater than anything we could imagine.

Embrace Your Power Through Christ

The key to overcoming self-sabotage is simple: stop relying on your own strength and start leaning on Christ. When you surrender your career to God and trust Him to lead, self-doubt loses its grip. You no longer have to prove yourself or fit into a mold. Instead, you can walk confidently in the direction He’s calling you, knowing that you are protected, cared for, and destined for greatness in Him (Ephesians 2:10)

Let this be the moment you stop holding yourself back and start stepping into your power—guided by Christ every step of the way.

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