Category: Job Lay-off

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What to Do When You’re Laid Off

What to Do When You’re Laid Off

A Guide to Bouncing Back So, you’ve been laid off. First things first—take a deep …

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You’re Laid Off, Now What?

You’re Laid Off, Now What?

Getting laid off from your job can be devastating. It’s a difficult and unexpected event …

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Do you really have the right mindset for a successful job search?

Do you really have the right mindset for a successful job search?

It is important to focus on your career goals during your job search because goals …

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Career Tip – What to Do When You Get Laid Off

Career Tip – What to Do When You Get Laid Off

This can be a particularly stressful time. The first thing to do is to take …

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View Delays and Denials as Opportunities

View Delays and Denials as Opportunities

I am a firm believer that setbacks are opportunities in disguise. During her talk to …

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