Imagine Breaking Your Own Career Glass Ceiling

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Imagine Breaking Your Own Career Glass Ceiling

What obstacles are holding you back in your career? Phenomenal Image can help.

You probably sense there has to be more than where you are now in your career.

Your presence in this world is much more than picking up a paycheck and going through the motions of living.

You are divinely made. Your talents and abilities are designed for you to carry out your purpose.

Your style of influence shows in the way you work. And just because the way you work may be different than the status quo, you are just as qualified as the next person.

Whether you are overlooked for leadership roles at your job or you weren’t invited to your company’s leadership development program, you have options to gain the training and coaching you need to reach your full potential.

The numbers are in: Having women in positions of leadership and on boards help increase a company’s bottom line.*

So why aren’t there more women in executive leadership positions? Here are some reasons given for why women are under-represented.

Past research noted that women are plagued by self-doubt; often underestimating their skills and performance.**

However, present studies suggest that even when women see themselves as confident, women were only perceived as confident when they appeared caring or sociable.***

I’m sounding the alarm:

Step out of the box others (or yourself) have placed you – The world needs you now!

Whether you’re a business owner, returning to the workforce or you’re just starting your career and want to move up the corporate ladder, I can help you align your personality with your purpose and help you get clear on your career path.

Our purpose is helping you conquer your fears, see your value, renew your passion and use your power to reach your full potential.

When you embrace who you are and understand your purpose, you’ll become confident in taking risks, maximizing opportunities and be at peace with yourself.

If anything I’ve mentioned resonates with you, then this site is for you. There’s our blog – Qualified!, tools, resources and information to help you see yourself as a qualified leader and risk-taker.

You’ll get help on taking control of your career and becoming confident in you and your future.

I want to invite you to sign up to receive our proactive career tips, bite-size nuggets of career wisdom to help you navigate your career path.

Also, be sure to take the career satisfaction assessment. The assessment will provide insight into your current career situation.


Nancy Gettridge, Founder

*Women Improve the Bottom Line:
Joy, L., Carter, N., Wagener, H., and Narayanan, D. (2007). The bottom line: Corporate performance and women’s representation on Boards, Catalyst Research Report, October 15. | Lublin, J. (2012). Pink Quotas Alter Europe’s Boards. Wall Street Journal, September 11 | Meyer, M. (2016, January). Strategies for destroying the glass ceiling in corporate America.  In Allied Academies International Conference. Academy of Marketing Studies. Proceedings (Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 22). Jordan Whitney Enterprises, Inc. | Pellegrino G., D’Amato, S., and Weisberg, A. (2011). The gender dividend: Making the case for investing in women, Deloitte 4

**Women Underestimate Their Performance
Kay, K., & Shipman, C. (2014). The confidence gap. The Atlantic, 14, 1-18. | Reuben, E., Sapienza, P., & Zingales, L. (2014). How stereotypes impair women’s careers in science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(12), 4403-4408.

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