Position Yourself as Qualified

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Position Yourself as Qualified

Develop my Leadership Skills | Executive Presence /Personal Branding


In construction, after the builders set the foundation, they are ready to frame the home. The frame of the home is its structure or skeleton. The purpose of the frame is to hold up the walls, roof, and floors.

Embracing who you are and knowing your life purpose serves as the foundation for a successful career. Your experiences, education, skills, and abilities are your skeleton system. You can refer to these sources to resolve the challenges and issues that leaders will face.

Similar to framing a house, one of the responsibilities of a leader is to frame the culture for your employees to thrive.

As the leader, your employees will look to you for guidance to meet the objectives you’re responsible for; whether that’s the objectives of your unit, department, division, region or company’s vision. Gaining specific skills and experiences is essential for effective leadership. And it’s important to communicate with authority, especially in times of crisis.

Our framing programs comprise two courses that serve a specific purpose: 1) Developing the skills essential for effective leadership, and 2) Enhancing your image to reflect that you are a qualified leader and risk-taker.

Where to begin:


If you’re unsure whether you possess the skills you need to be an effective leader, feel you’re unqualified or you want to lead, developing your leadership muscles is your answer.

If your colleagues do not take seriously you at work, overlooked for leadership positions, or you want to improve your presence, positioning for leadership is your solution.


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