What About Winning?

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The concept of winning is all around us. There’s political races, athletic competitions, contests, academic contests, cooking contests, eating contests. You name it. And in these contests, there’s always a winner.

In the workplace, many consider themselves winners when they achieve the title. For others, it’s the money and for another it’s power. But what does winning really mean? Is it really about obtaining the external benefits? The accolades are very nice and there’s nothing wrong with wanting them and achieving them. We are to enjoy the fruits of our labor. But that’s not the end of the story.

Success is not limited to possessions, titles or our achievements. Success has an internal component: Happiness.  Success is about being happy with what you have after you achieve. There are too many “winners” that go home sad, empty and alone. That cannot be true success.

As we continue to press toward equal representation in senior leadership within organizations, let’s continue to be mindful of what true success means to each of us on a personal level: Persevere to be true to our core values, our vision and our mission. Then we can be true winners.


What does winning mean to you? What makes success rewarding? What changes do you need to make in your life to reach your definition of winning?

TIP:  Balance Your Leadership Ambition with Personal Values
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