How will you know success when it shows up?

Home | Career Management | How will you know success when it shows up?

Original Posted 04/03/2019 | Updated 10/07/2024


It’s a word we hear all the time—in conversations, on social media, in books—often tied to images of luxury, power, and fame. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself: How will I know success when it shows up? Will you recognize it, or will it slip by, disguised as something ordinary?

Defining Success on Your Terms

Before we dive into recognizing success, let’s clear one thing up—success is personal. For some, it’s about climbing the corporate ladder and landing that corner office. For others, it’s the freedom to travel, the joy of raising a family, or even the simple contentment of a peaceful life. There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to success. It’s shaped by your unique values, dreams, and life experiences.

So, the first step in recognizing success when it arrives is to define what it looks like for you. This isn’t just about setting goals—though those are important—but about understanding what truly matters to you. What brings you fulfillment? What makes you feel alive? If you can answer those questions, you’re already well on your way to recognizing success when it knocks.

Success Isn’t Always Loud

Here’s the thing—success doesn’t always come with fireworks and fanfare. Sometimes, it shows up quietly, in the little moments we often overlook. It might be the satisfaction of finishing a tough project, the pride in overcoming a personal challenge, or the peace that comes from living a balanced life.

We tend to expect success to be this grand, unmistakable event. But the truth is, success is often found in the small victories and subtle shifts. Did you handle a difficult conversation with grace? Did you stick to your boundaries despite the pressure? These may seem small, but they’re the building blocks of a truly successful life.

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Recognizing the Journey

Another key to knowing success is recognizing that it’s not a destination; it’s a journey. It’s not something you achieve once and cross off your list. Success is the cumulative effect of your daily actions, decisions, and mindset.

Start celebrating your progress. Too often, we’re so focused on the finish line that we forget to acknowledge how far we’ve already come. Each step forward—no matter how small—is a sign of success. It’s proof that you’re moving in the right direction, even when the path feels winding and the destination unclear.

Trusting Your Intuition

Deep down, you know more than you think you do. External pressures can sometimes drown out that inner voice that knows when you’re on the right path. But tuning into your intuition is key to recognizing success when it appears.

Your intuition might lead you in directions you didn’t expect or down a path less traveled. Trust it. Success is personal, remember? What matters most is that it feels right to you—not that it matches someone else’s definition.

Even Better: Trust the Holy Spirit

Even better than relying on your intuition is learning to trust the Holy Spirit to guide you toward success.

The Bible reminds us in John 14:26 that the Holy Spirit is our Counselor, teaching us all things and reminding us of God’s truth. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding—acknowledging Him in all our ways so He can direct our paths. When you allow the Holy Spirit to lead, He will give you the wisdom and clarity to discern true success. Even when it’s not what you expected. In Romans 8:14, we’re reminded that those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God—meaning we are never alone in our pursuit of purpose and fulfillment.

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Success and Fulfillment: Two Sides of the Same Coin

At the end of the day, success and fulfillment are inseparable. You could have all the outer markers of success—money, status, recognition—but without fulfillment, it will feel empty. Fulfillment is the internal compass that lets you know you’re aligned with your values, contributing something meaningful, and growing into the person you want to be.

So, how will you know success when it shows up? It’s that deep sense of fulfillment. It’s looking at your life and feeling proud of the person you’ve become. It’s realizing that you’re not just getting by—you’re thriving.

Stay Open to Success

Here’s the final piece—stay open to success, even if it doesn’t look the way you imagined. It might show up as a new opportunity, a change in perspective, or a personal breakthrough. Be flexible in your definition and willing to adapt as you grow, because success develops with you.

When you find yourself wondering whether you are successful, pause and reflect. Look for the small wins, the quiet triumphs, the moments of joy and peace. Chances are, success is already there—it’s just waiting for you to recognize it.

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