5 Steps for Making Strong Ethical Decisions

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As a leader, inevitably, you will have to make an ethical decision. Analyzing any ethical decision can be difficult and can often produce conflicting positive and negative outcomes because of a chosen course of conduct. It is imperative that you have reconciled your own system to use to make ethical decisions where there are conflicting moral issues.

Creating a System for Ethical Decision Making

Incorporating insight from Ruggiero (2008) and from professional experience, here is a guide toward creating a framework for ethical decision making system:  

1. Recognize there is an ethical issue

There can be times when you will think all is okay. An example of this can be someone who thinks it is okay to take office supplies from work for their kids’ school supplies. I have come across people who think it is okay to take it because the company will never miss it. They also justify taking the supplies because they do not feel they are being paid enough anyway, so it balances out by being paid in-kind.

2. Sort Out the Facts

Once it is determined that there is an ethical issue, then the next step would be to sort out the facts and to make sure that the person has all the facts necessary to make an informed decision.

Once you gather the facts, define the ethical issue. Define in terms of how does it affect the obligations to other parties involved. What type of decision has to be made? Is it a choice of the lesser of two evils, or is it a fight between good and bad? What are the desired outcomes? What are the alternatives?

TIP:  What About Winning?

Using the example of taking office supplies, discovering the facts such as the person could not afford to purchase supplies. Maybe the employee did not have time to get the supplies. You may also have to recognize whether the offense is a legal issue.

3. Review All Outcomes

When considering the outcomes of your decision, think about…

Which option will produce the most good and do the least harm? (The Utilitarian Approach);

Which option best respects the rights of all who have a stake? (The Rights Approach);

Which option treats people equally or proportionately? (The Justice Approach);

Which option best serves the community, not just some members? (The Common Good Approach), and

Which option leads me to act as the sort of person I want to be? (The Virtue Approach)”

Continuing with the example regarding the office supplies situation, outcomes could be: You could fire the employee, Press charges against the employee, have the employee pay restitution for the theft; suspend the employee.

Are there extenuating circumstances of this theft?

4. Decide

Once you’ve gathered all available facts, and you considered all outcomes, it’s time to decide. How can you implement your decision with the greatest care and attention to the concerns of all stakeholders?

Back to the office supplies example. You decided the employee will be terminated but you will not file charges against the employee.

5. Reflection and Follow-up

It is important to review to look for any lessons you can apply in the future?

Returning to the office supplies issue. The company decided to processes in place to avoid this situation in the future, This includes having employees complete a requisition form for supplies and assigning a trustworthy central person issue supplies. You will also keep the supplies under lock and key, along with sending a memo to all employees warning of the severe consequences if caught taking supplies.

TIP:  The Buck Stops With You

Pros and Cons in This System

The strength of this approach is the thoroughness of making a decision that affects others. The weakness of the approach is the risk of continual analyzing and testing whether your decision is ethical. You may ended up delaying the decision because there will always be the possibility of a better alternative. It is important to review the facts, make a decision and move on.

In recent history, blatant ethical offenses are ignored by leadership and reasoned that these actions were for the “greater good.” Apparently, the greater good were those leaders.

It takes a courageous leader to choose ethics over politics.

Be that leader.


What process does your company have in place to make ethical decisions? Does the organization’s system reflect your personal beliefs? When should you push your beliefs aside to carry out your company’s policies?


Ruggiero, V. (2008). Thinking critically about ethical issues, (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill

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