Career Development Opportunities at Your Company

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Learn About Opportunities at Your Company

Check out your human resources department to find out what’s available in terms of career development. Does your company offer tuition reimbursement? If so, learn about what’s required. Are there specific schools you have to attend? Do you need to commit to staying with the company for a specific period of time or does your degree have to be related to your current position? Do you need to receive clearance from your current supervisor?

These questions are important to your career plan because you may need to consider whether it fits into your long-term career goals. For example, you may want to take advantage of the tuition reimbursement program, but a condition of receiving assistance is committing to work at the company for the next 5 years. Do you want to stay for five years? What is more important to you? Completing college debt free or the freedom to work someplace else if there is an great job opportunity? You may decide to get a professional certification instead.

Take advantage of the benefits your company offers. Its a winning situation: You get to improve your skills while the company gets a motivated employee.

Have a great week!

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