View Yourself as A Business

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Strategy: View your employer as your customer.

Your product is your job. Ask yourself, “What value do you add to your customer?” Are your performing the minimum requirements of your job or do you go the extra mile? As in business, when you do more than expected, you become more valuable to your workplace.

How to Go Beyond the Expectations of Your Company

Before you can go beyond the requirements of your job, make sure you are meeting the basics. Do you arrive to work on time? Do you consistently do your best job? Do you have a positive attitude, or do you show up indifferent? Do you get along with your co-workers or do people find you difficult to work with? 

Even if you work in a negative work environment, do not allow circumstances to change who you are.  Don’t allow others to rob you of your happiness nor your professionalism. Stay positive and focus on your future. Remind yourself that you are at the job for a purpose (e.g., pay bills, entry level, gain experience). Based on the Law of Reciprocity, you will receive what you give. Continue to have a great attitude and perform your job to the best of your abilities.   

When you are certain you are performing the details of your job description, look for ways to stand out. 

What problem does your company currently have? One way you can add value to your company is to identify the problem and propose a solution. Go a step further and offer to implement the solution. When you volunteer to resolve an issue within your company, you will be seen as a problem-solver. Additionally, you may pick up some new training/skills along the way. Also, taking on a new project can boost your confidence (And looks good on your resume).

TIP:  How to Create A Healthy Self-Care Strategy That Becomes A Habit in 5 Easy and Beneficial Ways

When you change your view of yourself as a business instead of an employee, you take control of your career. You help your company solve a problem and you’ll be able to see the value in your skills and abilities.

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