Career Tip – What to Do When You Get Laid Off

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This can be a particularly stressful time. The first thing to do is to take time to absorb the shock.

Take a deep breath. Slowly blow out. Repeat.

Don’t be bitter. Realize that it is not personal. It’s just a business decision. And now you must make some decisions. Here is a list of actions to help you get back on track:

Take Time to Grieve

  1. Decide that you are not a failure. It’s just an ebb in the flow of your career path. This too shall pass, and you will be stronger for it.
  2. Decide to allow yourself to mourn for a day or two and then move on. When I say mourn, cry it out, do whatever you need to do to release any angst you are feeling. Let it all out.
  3. Decide to not hold it to yourself. You have nothing to be ashamed nor embarrassed about. Do you have a close friend who would listen and encourage you? Lean on her/him for support.
  4. Decide you will not allow fear to overcome you. It’s only natural to feel a level of fear of the unknown. For now, acknowledge that you feel fear. Don’t do anything about it now nor expound on it. Just acknowledge it’s there, take a deep breath and move on.
  5. Decide to destress. How do you release tension? Utilize those techniques.
  6. For example, one of the things I do when I am stressed is sing to the top of my lungs. It’s just something about letting it all out that calms me. You may dance, run, exercise. Do what works for you.

Encourage Yourself

  1. Now that you have grieved, it’s time to decide to encourage yourself.
  2. Take a day to encourage yourself. Do what works for you. It may be playing motivational music. Play your favorite songs, or if you do not have a playlist, perform a web search for “motivational playlist” and many will come up.
  3. You may need to destress again. Utilize the same techniques if you feel stress coming up.
  4. Challenge your fear. Take out a sheet of paper. Draw a line down the middle. On the left side, write down your fears about being laid off. On the right side, turn your fear into an intention, a goal. For example, you fear you will not find a job that pays as well – I will find a job that pays better than my former job.
TIP:  Who Really Cares About What People Think About You?

You just made a decision to obtain a job that pays better than your former job. You’re taking control of your situation instead of vice versa.


  1. File for unemployment.
  2. Take Inventory. Where are you now financially? Do you have a financial cushion that will allow you time to find a career that you will enjoy? Or do you need to find something ASAP that will pay your bills?
  3. What about your last paycheck. When will you receive it?
  4. Do you have any unused vacation, sick and any back pay owed to you? Is that included in your last check?
  5. Did your former employer offer a severance package? Review the details. Did you get compensation, career services, education assistance? Negotiate your benefits.
  6. Did you have a pension or 401K? Do you have to use that now or can you roll it into another plan (Be aware that you will be penalized if you don’t roll it over into another retirement plan)? You should seek professional advice about your financial matters.

Health and Wellness

  1. What about medical and Dental Insurance? Are you eligible for COBRA or federal/state funded insurance?
  2. If you can, schedule physical, mental and dental visits to maintain optimal health.

Closure with Your Former Company

Depending on whether you have been given time to prepare for your exit, make sure you:

  1. Remove any personal information from your computer.
  2. Get copies of your performance reports, emails related to your performance, etc.

Get Clear on your Career Path

  1. I encourage you to not make any sudden decisions.
  2. Take time to think about what you want in your career.
  3. Think about what you loved about your former job and what you disliked.
  4. Consider your strengths.
TIP:  Overcome Self-Doubt and Silence Your Inner Critic

Then you can begin your job search.

  1. Take advantage of any outplacement services you may be offered.
  2. Get your resume professionally done.
  3. Register at your Career Stop/Workforce Office.
  4. Clean up your LinkedIn Profile

Remember, you can take control of your career. Even though it may not feel like it right now, you do have options. Explore them.

I’ve included additional resources you can refer to. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or would like to discuss further.

You got this!

Additional Resources:

Career Tip: Document your successes:
Career Tip: Create your list of non-negotiables:
Book: What Color Is Your Parachute:
Book: Who Moved My Cheese:

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